全民希臘文 (BG4E)🏠

Biblical Greek for Everyone (BG4E)


分詞 (participle) 是動詞和形容詞的結合體,兼具二者的特質。

分詞是半個動詞,所以有時態 (tense)、語態 (voice);是半個形容詞,所以有格 (case)、數 (number)、性 (gender)。

因為是半個形容詞,所以分詞也可以像形容詞那樣,前面加上冠詞形成 T—A 的結構,當作實名詞使用;後面也可以加上名詞,形成 T—A—N 或 T—N—T—A 的結構。

因為是半個動詞,所以分詞除了本身當作述語 (小 p) 之外,也可以有自己的補語 (小 c)、狀語 (小 a),甚至自己的主語 (小 s)。合起來成為完整的分詞內嵌子句 (participle embedded clause),當作上一層子句的某個元素。


§57(1) Act 22:17-18a


§57(2) Act 3:26



oblique cases participle 用作 adverbial: MT 8:23, MT21:23, MK 16:12, MK16:14, LK 1:3, LK17:7, AC 3:12,AC16:37, AC20:3, AC23:15, 2C 5:14, EP 2:1, EP 2:5, PP 1:7, CL 1:21,2P 2:21, 2P 3:5, JD 0:5, JD 0:22.

Grant Edwards (2007) 1303 accusative and dative participles ⇒75 oblique participles which he considers may possibly be functioning adverbially: (1) unambiguous: Matt 8:23; 9:27, 28; 14:6; 17:25; 26:71; Mark 16:14; Luke 8:27, 17:7; 20:20; Acts 3:12; 7:59 (2); 8:12; 9:39; 17:8; 23:15, 20; 26:3; 28:4; 1 Cor 8:12; Eph 1:18; 2:1, 5; Col 1:21; 2:13; Heb 11:32; 2 Pet 2:21; (2) compelling: Mark 16:10 (2), 12 (2); Luke 1:3, 9:59; Acts 3:26; 13:34; 15:25 (2), 15:27; 20:3; 22:6 (2); (3) inconclusive: Matt 21:23; Mark 6:9; 9:17; Luke 21:12; Acts 6:11, 13; 7:2, 26; 11:17; 14:3; 16:21, 37; 17:27; 22:17; 27:3; 28:10; Rom 4:10; Gal 3:15; 1 Cor 9:9; 16:6; 2 Cor 5:14; 2 Thess 3:11 (2); 1 Tim 1:13; 5:18; 1 Pet 3:20; 5:10; 2 Pet 1:18; 2:4; 3:5; Heb 4:2; 7:1; Jude 22.

source: Grant Edwards, The Validity of Oblique Adverbial Participles in the Greek of the New Testament, (ThM thesis, Dallas Theological Seminary, 2007).