全民希臘文 (BG4E)🏠

Biblical Greek for Everyone (BG4E)

BW10 統計 (NA28)

Accordance 統計 (NA28)

Total number of verses = 7323 (total number of verses displayed = 7323)

[CONJUNCTION] (17570 total words)

Number of different forms = 70: (Triple-click a form to see its occurrences)

Randall Buth, "Οὖν, Δέ, Καί and Asyndeton in John's Gospel," in Linguistics and New Testament Interpretation: Essays on Discourse Analysis, ed. David Alan Black, Katherine Barnwell, and Stephen Levinsohn (Nashville, Tenn: B&H Academic, 1993), 157.


Kermit Tutrud, “The Function of Καί in the Greek New Testament and an Application to 2 Peter,” in Linguistics and New Testament Interpretation: Essays on Discourse Analysis, ed. David Alan Black, Katherine Barnwell, and Stephen Levinsohn (Nashville, Tenn: B&H Academic, 1993), 256.

![[../images/Pasted image 20211111094356.png]]

Kermit Tutrud, “The Function of Καί in the Greek New Testament and an Application to 2 Peter,” in Linguistics and New Testament Interpretation: Essays on Discourse Analysis, ed. David Alan Black, Katherine Barnwell, and Stephen Levinsohn (Nashville, Tenn: B&H Academic, 1993), 257.

![[../images/Pasted image 20211111094902.png]]

Kermit Tutrud, “The Function of Καί in the Greek New Testament and an Application to 2 Peter,” in Linguistics and New Testament Interpretation: Essays on Discourse Analysis, ed. David Alan Black, Katherine Barnwell, and Stephen Levinsohn (Nashville, Tenn: B&H Academic, 1993), 258. ![[../images/Pasted image 20211111094923.png]]

Stanley E. Porter et al., eds., Modeling Biblical Language: Selected Papers from the McMaster Divinity College Linguistics Circle (Linguistic Biblical Studies 13; Leiden ; Boston: Brill, 2016), Chapter 13.

SFL : 表達 ideation --- ideation 下面又區分:experience & logic。

表達 logic 有三種方法:recursion ()、logico-semantics、taxis (排列)

  1. recursion : stop/go-on
  2. logico-semantics: extension/elaboration/enhancement

![[../images/Pasted image 20220501171600.png]]

  1. taxis: hypotactic/paratactic

![[../images/Pasted image 20220501171536.png]]

![[../images/Pasted image 20220501171644.png]]

Note: 2) 和 3) 互補,但有關連:

另外,內嵌子句可以用於 enhancement (當形容詞用的時候)、extension (當副詞用的時候)、elaboration (表達讓步的時候)

整合起來看 (p. 405): ![[../images/Pasted image 20220501173624.png]]

Porter & O'Donnell - - Conjunctions, Clines and Levels of Discourse