全民希臘文 (BG4E)🏠

Biblical Greek for Everyone (BG4E)

§313 Dative

Dative (間接受格) 的涵義是,表達與動作間接 (indirectly)、遙遙 (remotely) 相關的人事物 (GGBB, 139; AGG §172)。聖經希臘文 (KG) 五格系統的間接受格 (dative),取代了古典希臘文 (CG) 八格系統的 (a) pure dative、(b) instrumental、(c) locative 三種格,提供與動作相關 (a) WHOM (pure dative)、(b) HOW (instrumental)、(c) WHERE/WHEN (locative) 三方面的資訊 (GGBB, 139; AGG §173)。

§313.1 Pure Dative

§313.1a Dative of Interest

§313.1b Dative of Indirect Object

§313.1c Dative of Direct Object

§313.2 Instrumental Dative

§313.2a Dative of Instrument/Means

§313.2b Dative of Cause

§313.2c Dative of Manner

§313.3 Locative Dative

§313.3a Dative of Time/Place

§313.3b Dative of Respect/Reference/Association

§313.3c Dative of Possession

當 C or A?